Elliance Case Study

The Quiet Ones
WEST PENN POWER SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FUNDWPPSEF doesn’t speak, but their message is loud and clear.
For 15 years, the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund (WPPSEF) had remained quietly dedicated to helping businesses grow by funding their sustainable energy projects throughout regions of Pennsylvania – long before sustainable energy became a household word. In 2015, The Fund was looking back on a very successful 15 years with plans of an anniversary celebration. Enter Elliance. Our first advice was “don’t look back, look ahead. Yes, celebrate the last 15 years, but do it by looking ahead to your next 15 years.”
Born out of this insight was the theme for 2015 and the event that celebrated their milestone year: Power and Foresight: Celebrating 15 years of sustainable energy.

The Quiet Ones. In more ways than one.
WPPSEF is not an organization that speaks loudly about itself, nor is it one that merely funds green projects and walks away. They become an integral and valued collaborator to the people behind the businesses they choose to fund. Not surprisingly, they liked it when we suggested that they let their customers do the talking. With that thought in mind, we launched a video series championing “The Quiet Ones” – the leaders of businesses whom WPPSEF has chosen to fund because they, too, go quietly about the work of taking care of the environment. WPPSEF doesn’t have to say a word.
The Quiet Ones
WPPSEF Results
Elliance strategy is working. Right-fit customers are calling WPPSEF. Competitors are taking notice and beginning to emulate WPPSEF.
"Working with Elliance was a transformative experience that changed the very way we do business. It changed how we think and the way we communicate. They helped us redefine our goals, clarify our vision, and ignite powerful conversations. The fundamental shift that we've gone through has taken us to our next mountain."