Elliance Case Study

Expanding what it means to be a doctor.
New York Chiropractic CollegeHeal a nation in pain with non-invasive medicine.
Market conditions, at times, cry out for someone to break free from the traditional constraints of a brand category. Such is the case with chiropractic education. Medical science and even longtime allopathic critics acknowledge the failure — sometimes catastrophic — of surgery and opioids to relieve a musculoskeletal pain epidemic threatening lives and budgets across the United States.
Despite strong consumer demand and begrudging acceptance from traditional doctors, US chiropractic colleges struggle to connect right-fit prospects with sustainable careers. Elliance helped to set New York Chiropractic College on a new strategic course, by claiming a position against comparable physical therapy, nurse practitioner and athletic training careers (in the professional doctorate degrees category) and against the increasingly “factory line” nature of allopathic medicine (in the primary care category).

By the numbers
“For subacute back pain, patients should try heat, massage, acupuncture or spinal manipulation as first-line therapies”
Pursue Perfect Form
The brand line, Pursue Perfect Form, set out to inspire prospective chiropractors, while also affirming the care needs and primacy of the patient. It challenges chiropractors to come down from any assumed authority and meet patients on their terms — restoring trust and agency as the bedrock of conservative care. Far more than chasing ideals, Pursue Perfect Form reminds chiropractors that they treat people across ages and stages, and address a whole life, not a binary (perfect/imperfect) body.

Win prospects and patients together
In the midst of an opioid crisis, and research showing high failure rates for back surgery, it would be tempting for New York Chiropractic College to bang their drum and assert that they have no competition in terms of a multi-modality (acupuncture, nutrition) approach to medical training and pain relief. It’s more compelling, ennobling and persuasive for them to admit that their prospective audience might consider any number of health careers — including traditional medical schools — to arrive at the same bedside, caring for the same patient’s complex needs. That’s how good form (personal) becomes perfect form (professional).

In our multi-year relationship with the New York Chiropractic College, we have elevated the brand and and created an inflection point in their once stagnant enrollment.
“New York Chiropractic College knew clearly who it was and where it wanted to go, but lacked a coordinated, consistent way to communicate that message. With Elliance's assistance, we now have the language and tools to better share the NYCC story with the world.”